Friday, November 16, 2012

The Return of the Four-Leggeds

The Return of the Four-Leggeds is an exhibition, permanently on display outside of and in the amphitheater of the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane, Washington.  This collection of bronze sculptures was created by New York artist, Tom Otterness and was installed in 2003.  Tom Otterness interpreted this work as:

“The Animal people have come with a contract to buy back the world from the Two-Leggeds.  The Weasel is negotiating while the Salmon prepare the way to return to the river.  The Marmot is already in the amphitheater, munching on small change.”

I believe these statues present a fun an inviting look into social commentary as well as simply being pleasing to the eye.  The exhibition is a collection of bronzes regarding this theme, how many bronzes can you find?  Take a moment, relax and reflect on The Return of the Four-Leggeds.

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